与Kakao M达成协议!大量Kpop歌曲将重新上架Spotify!

你喜爱的Kpop歌曲重返Spotify了!上周Spotify无预警下架大量由Kakao M旗下的韩国音乐作品,不少当红歌手、团体都受牵连,引起许多粉丝以及Spotify用户哀嚎遍地。

然而今天终于出现新转机,Kakao Entertainment与Spotify双方达成合约协议,将继续提供音源,之前下架的所有歌曲将重新上架Spotify,粉丝可以继续听到偶像的歌曲。

Attributed to a Spotify spokesperson:

“We are pleased that Kakao Entertainment’s content and artists are back on Spotify, allowing our 345M+ global listeners across 170 countries to once again enjoy the music they love. Spotify’s mission has always been to connect artists to their fans all over the world and to give listeners access to all of the world’s music. We are delighted that our Korean listeners will now also be able to enjoy this local music alongside our 70 million+ songs and 4 billion+ playlists. We remain committed to making a positive impact on Korea’s music streaming ecosystem through our partnerships with artists, labels, and local rights holders.”

Attributed to a Kakao Entertainment Spokesperson:

“Kakao Entertainment Corp.(previously Kakao M) has entered into an agreement with Spotify and will sequentially provide its music content to Spotify for service in and beyond Korea. Through its diverse partnerships around the world including Spotify, Kakao Entertainment hopes that music lovers around the world can easily access its artists’ and music content to enjoy K-pop. Kakao Entertainment remains committed to the Korean music ecosystem and its growth and will continue protecting the rights of artists, labels and local rights holders going forward.”

Kakao Entertainment终于决定恢复韩国在内的全球音源供应,让世界各地的粉丝可以继续享受K-POP,随后Spotify官方也出来证实此事。


与Kakao M达成协议!大量Kpop歌曲将重新上架Spotify!